Thursday, May 15, 2008

carsons 6th birthday party, May 10

carsons party was too much fun.
I made homeade lemonade and
we had hotdogs and birthday cake with about 40 kids. It was his
first very own party without sharing with matt. matt and all his buddies were there too to join in the little kids fun! thanks for the pics, rochelle. (clockwise) carson being carson, brooke and rochelles daughter jackson. carson being cute, me laughing waaaay toooo hard and carsons
best buddy slade, rochelles son. we had a
great time and he planned it for 6 months! he loved it!

1 comment:

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

Yay! I am so glad that you put your laughing picture in there! So fun! I am adding you to my favorite blogs...just thought you should know! I am getting a recipe I promise, I'm slow at that stuff!